Sunday, December 2, 2007

Changuinola to Bocas

After a 20 minute drive from the border to Changuinola we hopped on a water taxi for Island of Colon. The main island of Bocas Del Toro archipalago.
After a 50 minute boat ride through estuaries and bays we reached Island of Colon. Our first night their we spent at hostel Mondo Taitu. With 50cent drinks and a bar in the hostel. This is a great place if you dont care where you sleep and want to get drunk. It was a cheap place at $18 a room but we decided to try somewhere else for the rest of our time.
The rest of our nights we stayed at a nicer hotel. The Hotel Las Brissas had a deck overlooking the ocean and other islands.

A water taxi in Bocas.

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