Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bocas Del Toro

Getting into Bocas around 5 oclock we went out to dinner and crashed after the long trip. At the restaraunt we tried a couple of the local beers. Suprisingly Panama has about 6 or 7 different beers brewed in the country. At 75 cents a beer we had to try them all. I liked them all so much more than the Imperial's we drink in Costa Rica.

On our second day in Bocas we sighned up for a tour of the islands. It was an all day trip that included snorkeling with visits to Red Frog Beach, and Dolphin Bay. Our first stop on the tour was Dolphin Bay, it was pretty cool seeing the Dolphins play in the wake of our boats, however Allie was really upset we did'nt bring the camera. After the ride to Dolphin Bay we went snorkeling at a reef that really did'nt have many fish or coral to see. After snorkeling we went to Red Frog Beach. An awesome beach with green water and awesome waves. After two hours on Red Frog beach we headed to Hospital Point for more snorkeling.

After the tour we went back to Bocas and went to look for a surfboard for Saturday. After talking to some locals they recomended the local beach 2o minutes away from our hotel. To get to the beach you walk down the street cut through a path in a graveyard and you were at the beach. However after getting to the beach we realized the waves were way to small for much of anything. And the beach wasnt very nice.

We headed back into town and talked to a water taxi driver that recommended Playa Wizard. Supposedly a secluded beach with excellent waves. Out water taxi dropped us off at a dock and informed us of a path directly in front of the dock we could take to the beach.

The trail started off as a paved sidewalk between houses, after about 100 yards however the path lead straight up to a house's porch. As we were walking up the house we were greeted by the owner who assured us we were on the rigth path and we could cut through his porch to follow the path to the beach.

As soon as we passed the house the path turned into a muddy horse trail through the jungle. The trail climbed up and down bluffs with standing water and horse turds.
After about 20 minutes of climbing we heard the waves near the end of the trail we were standing on a bluff overlooking Playa Wizard. Even though Allie might disagree walking barefoot through the mud, standing water and hores turds was worth the desolate 2 kilometer beach with perfect waves.

1 comment:

The Withrows said...

Hi Kevin!

Looks like you and Allie had fun in Panama....I love all the pictures! :)

Hope you are enjoying the Holiday break from school and hope you had a great time during your family's visit!

Best Wishes for a Pura Vida New Year in Costa Rica!
